D2 - The Dynamic Role of Behavioral Science Faculty in Integrated Care Training
Thursday, April 18, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)
Colleen Cordes, Arizona State University
Deepu George, Primary Care & Community Medicine ISU, UTRGC School of Medicine
Deepu George, Primary Care & Community Medicine ISU, UTRGC School of Medicine

In this concurrent session, Drs. Colleen Cordes (Associate Dean, Clinical Professor, Arizona State University) and Deepu George (Associate Professor, UT Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine) will describe their experiences developing and leading interprofessional training across the spectrum of the biopsychosocial workforce. Opportunities for curriculum development, clinical training, and leadership of teams will be explored, with significant opportunities for Q&A in support of the development of current and future behavioral science faculty.
Session Type
Objective 1
Describe the role of behavioral science faculty in diverse training environments (higher education, medical residency, fellowship, etc.)
Objective 2
Identify innovative ways in which integrated care training (e.g. didactic teaching, clinical supervision) occurs across interprofessional teams and trainees
Objective 3
Describe integrated care training across the biopsychosocial workforce spectrum
Content Reference 1
Martin, M., Allison, L., Banks, E., Bauman, D., Harsh, J., Cahill, A., Myerholtz, L., Zubatsky, M., & Mauksch, L. (2019). Essential skills for Family Medicine residents practicing integrated behavioral health: A Delphi Study. Family Medicine, 51(3), 227-33.
Content Reference 2
Landoll, R. R., Cervero, R. M., Quinlan, J. D., & Maggio, L. A. (2020). Primary Care Behavioral Health training in family medicine residencies: A qualitative study from a large health care system. Family Medicine, 52(3), 174-81.
Content Reference 3
Clemency Cordes, C. (2018). Workforce development: Identifying continuing education needs and programs for integrated behavioral health training. In C. R. Macchi and R. Kessler (Eds). Training in integrated care: Skills for the new healthcare. Springer.
Content Reference 4
Serrano, N., Clemency Cordes, C., Daub, S., & Cubic, B. (2018). Training and workforce development needs for behavioral health providers working in a Primary Care Behavioral Health model of service delivery. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 25, 157-168.
Content Reference 5
Clemency Cordes, C., Martin, M. P., Macchi, C.R., Lindsey, A., Hamm, K., Kaplan, J., & Moreland, D. (2022). Expanding interprofessional teams: Training future health professionals in screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT). Families, Systems, and Health, 40, 559-565.
CEUs and CME
1 CEU/CME; 1 Supervision credit