Sign up for the waitlist using the Register link above.

Why Take This Course?

The rapid development of behavioral health integration around the nation in health systems with multiple primary care sites has led to the emergence of a new role: “director,” or “supervisor,” or “lead” of behavioral health integration (BHI). A number of people in this role feel unprepared for the demands that it imposes. They have risen to leadership positions on their clinical skills, but they have little training or experience in management and leadership in an organization.  The new leaders find themselves needing to address issues such as hiring and onboarding, staff evaluations, design of program and patient metrics, data reporting and quality improvement, and helping health system authorities understand how much behavioral health services can add to the effectiveness and efficiency of the healthcare services of the organization as a whole. 

This course, led by Dr. Alexander (Sandy) Blount, a long-time leader in the field, is a unique opportunity to receive mentorship, peer support and skill development for the clinician-leader.

The course will meet every other week for a calendar year (23 meetings) via Zoom. 34.50 CEUS for psychologists and social workers will be available.

Key Information

Next Cohort Start Date: January 2025

Register Here: Using link above

Who Can Register?: Participants must be in a behavioral health leadership position in primary care or other medical setting to take this course.

Course Schedule: 23 sessions meeting via Zoom every other week for 1.5 hours. Starting Friday, January 24, 2025 from 2:00 – 3:30 PM ET

Cost: $2250

View Course Curriculum Here

Need More Info? Contact Jackie Poor Hahn at