General Submission Agreement
By submitting a presentation proposal for the CFHA Conference, all presenters understand and explicitly agree:
- The Coordinator/Primary Contact Person indicated on your proposal or acceptance consents to receive all correspondence and accepts responsibility for conveying and confirming Conference-related information with all presenters, co-presenters, panelists or guest speakers.
- Presenters must register in advance and pay to attend the CFHA Conference, if attending the conference. There are no free registrations, scholarships or discounts for presenters, co-presenters, panelists or guests. (Online registration will open at on June 1) Speakers can "speak and run" if they are presenting and not attending any other part of the conference.
- For in-person conferences, presenters are responsible for their own travel and hotel arrangements and assume all related costs. Presenters are encouraged to secure accommodations at the official CFHA conference hotel.
- Every Presenter will be required to complete CFHA’s 2025 Disclosure form online and disclose any financial or non-financial relationship that creates a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest. This form must be completed online no later than June 30, 2025. The link to the form will be sent to all presenters after you accept the presentation offer.
- Presenters must notify CFHA in writing if a conflict of interest related to the content of a presentation develops at any time before the Conference.
- Presenters will present in the time slot and format assigned.
- Presenters will dedicate at least five (5) minutes of the allotted presentation time for audience interaction, such as small group discussions, role playing, case study or audience question/answer period.
- Presenters grant permission to CFHA to take photographs, videos and/or audio recordings and to publish them at CFHA's sole discretion in any format.
- For presentations involving research with human subjects, Presenters acknowledge that research has been reviewed by and either exempted or received approval from the appropriate institutional review board and the data has been collected in an ethical manner.
- Appropriate "Releases of Confidential Information" have been obtained by Presenters for all client materials that will be used or recorded as part of this presentation. The responsibility for protecting client confidentiality rests with Presenters.
- Written permission from copyright holders must be obtained by Presenters for the use of any previously published material in presentation or handouts.
- Presenters are required to provide electronic files of handout materials, PowerPoints, or other related resources in advance to be incorporated into the conference materials. In lieu of printed handout materials, CFHA will offer online access to these resource materials for Conference registrants.
- Presenters must refrain from attempting to persuade attendees to purchase or use a specific product, service, piece of equipment, or device. Advertising and promotional materials are expressly prohibited in education sessions.
- Presenters must refrain from overt statements or pointed humor that disparages the rightful dignity and social equity of any person or group.
- Acceptance of a proposal does not imply endorsement by CFHA of Presenters, course content, specific products, or clinical procedures.