Full Name
Kelli Bosak LCSW
Job Title
Behavioral Health Director
Three Rivers Health Center
Speaker Short Bio
Kelli Bosak is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing as the Lead Behavioral Health Therapist and supervisor of clinical social work associates working towards licensure at Three Rivers Health Center, which is owned and operated by the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians. Kelli has been working in outpatient healthcare settings since 2014 in both urban and rural communities and is passionate about the primary care behavioral health model because of its ability to increase patient access, decrease stigma, and improve overall health by making primary care medicine more compassionate and meaningful for individuals and families. She is adept at helping patients to build skills and capacity to manage their lives and relationships through a variety of evidence-based approaches and skills that make sense for their lives and values. She currently serves as facilitator of CFHA’s Measurement Based Care Workgroup and is a former Co-Chair of the Primary Care Behavioral Health Special Interest Group.
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