30 Years of Integration:
Innovating in the Pursuit of Healing

In-Person Conference

San Antonio, TX – October 24th-26th, 2024

CFHA's Annual Conference

The Collaborative Family Healthcare Association (CFHA) hosts the premier conference for healthcare professionals and allies interested in bringing medicine and behavioral health together. As part of a suite of services, which include community building, content production, and consultation services, CFHA's annual conference has become the place to learn and network with all stripes of healthcare professionals, foundations, payers, and others interested in integrated care. With over 80 sessions, 20 CEs, and ample networking times CFHA's conference is the place to build lifelong professional relationships.

Integrated care has been our guiding force for healing over the past 30 years, marked by the evolution from the Collaborative Family Health Care Coalition to the present-day Collaborative Family Healthcare Association. As we celebrate this milestone at the 2024 CFHA Conference in San Antonio, we reflect on the resilience and innovation that have fueled integrated care through pandemics, social challenges, and healthcare reforms.

8-11 AM

ELOs (Add'l fee)




Concurrent Sessions

1-2 PM

Concurrent Sessions


Concurrent Sessions






Poetry and Prose Session

All events (except ELOs) are included in the full conference registration.
** receptions, with some snacks, is included

7-8 AM

Group Meetings




Concurrent Sessions


Concurrent Sessions


Lunch and Discussion Groups*


Concurrent Sessions


Concurrent Sessions


Concurrent Sessions



All events are included in the full conference registration.
* lunch is included
** reception, with some snacks, is included

7-8 AM

Group Meetings




Concurrent Sessions


Concurrent Sessions


Lunch and Awards*


Concurrent Sessions


Concurrent Sessions

All events are included in the full conference registration.
* lunch is included

Join us in San Antonio! 

This Year's Conference

Thirty years ago the Collaborative Family Health Care Coalition (CFHCC) was formed to develop, research, teach, and promote family-oriented collaborative approaches to health care. The first CFHCC conference titled Transforming the Practice of Health Care: The Collaborative Solution was held in 1995. Fast forward to the present and we are now celebrating the 30th year of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, formerly known as the Collaborative Family Health Care Coalition. 

Over the last three decades, integrated care has leaped toward innovation and responded to the ever-growing needs of our healthcare landscape. The terrain has not always been the most fertile, yet integrated care has flourished along with the evidence supporting integrated care. As we have endured pandemics and the subsequent social isolation, climate crises, gun violence, an awareness of systemic racism, and socio-political changes, healthcare has rebounded into a new hybrid era of digital and relational shifts. Rather than stump the growth of integration, these events have contributed to strengthening our commitment, creativity, and innovation in the pursuit of healing. Our relationships anchor us, and our mission drives us to best meet the needs of the communities we serve regardless of the circumstances encountered.  

Integrated care holds the space for healing. Our annual conference is a perfect opportunity to reflect on our own practices, innovations, and teams and learn about technology, evidence-based care, policy, and funding in the context of socio-political changes and healthcare reform. 

Welcome to San Antonio! The seventh largest city in the USA is a vivacious bicultural city that celebrates its rich diversity year-round through art, heritage, food, and culture. The city is home to unique attractions, historical sites, exceptional gastronomy, and outdoor activities that can be enjoyed by the family.  We are expecting 1,000 attendees at the 2024 CFHA Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Join us as we celebrate 30 years of innovation in the pursuit of healing.