ELO 04 - Pain Relief Psychology in Integrated Care

Recent controlled trials (see references) have documented relief of chronic non-structural pain or illness (not merely improved coping) from new forms of psychotherapy that focus on trauma, stressful personality traits, unrecognized negative emotions, psychosocial triggers and limitations in self-care skills. Patients suffering from migraine, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel, pelvic pain, medically unexplained symptoms, most cases of long covid, chronic fatigue, and low back pain and many more can benefit. These concepts can readily be used by Mental and Behavioral Health Clinicians in an Integrated Care setting. A series of typical case studies will be presented to illustrate the principles of a successful approach to this population.

Date & Time
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
David Clarke
Content Level
All Audience
Medical, Medically unexplained symptoms
Session Type
SIG or Committee
Location Name
Presidio B
Objective 1
Diagnose the psychosocial issues commonly responsible for non-structural pain and medically unexplained symptoms.
Objective 2
Enable patients to understand and articulate their stresses despite prior lack of awareness
Objective 3
Successfully treat patients’ psychosocial issues
Content Reference 1

Ashar YK, Gordon A, Schubiner H et al (2021). Effect of Pain Reprocessing Therapy vs Placebo and Usual Care for Patients with Chronic Back Pain. A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Psychiatry. Published online September 29, 2021. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.2669

Content Reference 2

Yarns BC, Lumley MA, Cassidy JT et al. (2020). Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy Achieves Greater Pain Reduction than Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Older Adults with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Preliminary Randomized Comparison Trial. Pain Medicine, pnaa145,

Content Reference 3

Donnino MW, Thompson GS et al. (2021). Psychophysiologic symptom relief therapy for chronic back pain: a pilot randomized controlled trial. PAIN Reports: September/October 2021 - Volume 6 - Issue 3 - p e959. doi: 10.1097/PR9.0000000000000959

Content Reference 4

Clarke, DD (2016). Diagnosis and treatment of medically unexplained symptoms and chronic functional syndromes. Families, Systems, & Health, 34(4), 309-316.

Content Reference 5

Lumley, M.A. & Schubiner, H., et al (2017). Emotional awareness and expression therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and education for fibromyalgia: a cluster- randomized controlled trial. Pain, 158(12):2354-2363.