I08 - Meeting The Need: Creating IBH Access Clinic Across a Large University Health Care System

Due to the ongoing need for behavioral health services in primary care with decreased resources, we will walk through program evolution and the pilot program. Join us as we explore the results of a pilot program initiative to increase access to Integrated Behavioral Health across Jefferson Health. We will discuss lessons learned and areas of future growth.

Date & Time
Saturday, October 26, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Content Level
All Audience
Cost Effectiveness or Financial sustainability, Population and public health, Quality improvement programs
Session Type
Location Name
Travis D
Objective 1
Learn one way to increase pilot program effectiveness
Objective 2
Be able to take home one lesson learned to support their programs integrated care
Objective 3
Identify one way to assist in program evolution
Content Reference 1
Carbonell, Á, Navarro‐Pérez, J‐J, Mestre, M‐V. Challenges and barriers in mental healthcare systems and their impact on the family: A systematic integrative review. Health Soc Care Community. 2020; 28: 1366– 1379.
Content Reference 2
Sawchuk, CN, Mulholland, H., Trane, S., R., Lebow, JR, Puspitasari, A, Lombardi, N. Adapting Evidence Based Psychological Interventions for Primary Care. 2020; Cogn Behav Pract.
Content Reference 3
Kessler R. Stafford D. Primary care is the de facto mental health system. In R. Kessler & D. Stafford (Eds.), Collaborative medicine case studies: Evidence in practice (pp. 9–21). Springer Science + Business Media. 2008.