L09 - Recognizing And Addressing Medical Trauma In Primary Care Behavioral Health

Medical trauma is the experience of traumatic stress as a result of interactions with the healthcare system, and may be an overlooked traumatic experience that has a variety of biopsychosocial concerns that will present in primary care settings. This presentation will provide attendees with an introduction to medical trauma as a healthcare phenomenon, including the interacting processes related to the development of medically-induced traumatic stress, categorizations of medical trauma, and the associated risk factors and biopsychosocial consequences. The use of the Enduring Somatic Threat (EST) model as a way to conceptualize the development, maintenance, and experience of medical trauma will be proposed and compared to traditional conceptualizations of traumatic stress. The presenters will then transition to ways in which interdisciplinary primary care providers can identify and address medical trauma through the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model. The presentation will end with an exploration of the ways in which PCBH systems and clinicians can work to create trauma-informed primary care spaces to adequately prevent and/or respond to medical trauma experienced by their patients.

Date & Time
Saturday, October 26, 2024, 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Nic Schmoyer
Content Level
All Audience
Complex Patient Care, Medical, Primary Care Behavioral Health Model, Team-based care
Session Type
SIG or Committee
PCBH, Medical
Location Name
Presidio A
Objective 1
Describe the primary factors, categorizations, risk factors, and biopsychosocial concerns associated with medical trauma.
Objective 2
Organize a conceptualization of medical trauma through the Enduring Somatic Threat (EST) model.
Objective 3
Articulate assessment and intervention strategies that align with the context of primary care and the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model.
Content Reference 1

Hall, M. F., & Hall, S. E. (2016). Managing the psychological impact of medical trauma: A guide for mental health and health care professionals. Springer Publishing Company.

Content Reference 2

Edmondson, D. (2014). An enduring somatic threat model of posttraumatic stress disorder due to acute life-threatening medical events. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 8(3), 118-134.

Content Reference 3

Rauch, S. A., Cigrang, J., Austern, D., & Evans, A. (2017). Expanding the reach of effective PTSD treatment into primary care: Prolonged exposure for primary care. Focus, 15, 406-410.

Content Reference 4

Cahill, A., Martin, M., Beachy, B., Bauman, D., & Howard-Young, J. (2024). The contextual interview: A cross-cutting patient-interviewing approach for social context. Medical Education Online, 29(1), 2295049.

Content Reference 5

Hunter, C. L., Goodie, J. L., Oordt, M. S., & Dobmeyer, A. C. (2024). Integrated behavioral health in primary care: Step-by-step guidance for assessment and intervention (3rd ed.). American Psychological Association.