I05 - "Your Wait List Is How Long?!" - Creation of a Brief Psychological Assessment Clinic to Support Primary Care Patients and Providers

We will briefly review common barriers to accessing psychological evaluations and then present implementation data from a novel assessment clinic piloted within an integrated care setting. The goal of the assessment clinic is to provide brief, focused psychological evaluations to address barriers to care (e.g., long waitlists; Hine et al., 2018; Stringer, 2023) in an innovative way. Using a RE-AIM framework (e.g., Holtrop et al., 2021), we will describe and evaluate implementation of our health care system’s brief assessment clinic, while also engaging attendees in activities related to replicating and/or modifying this type of assessment clinic in their own integrated care settings to improve access to care.

Date & Time
Saturday, October 26, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
R. Matthew Tolliver
Morgan Treaster, PhD, HSP; Christin Collie, PhD; Jessica Jones, MD
Content Level
All Audience
Innovations, Quality improvement programs, Rural
Session Type
SIG or Committee
Location Name
Bowie C
Objective 1
Identify barriers to accessing psychological evaluations at tertiary-care centers in rural and underserved communities.
Objective 2
Review implementation pilot data from an assessment clinic that provided brief, focused evaluations within an integrated care framework.
Objective 3
Obtain hands on experience with utilization of the RE-AIM framework to consider how a similar brief assessment clinic could be developed in the participant’s respective clinical setting.
Content Reference 1
Hine, J. F., Herrington, C. G., Rothman, A. M., Mace, R. L., Patterson, B. L., Carlson, K. L., & Warren, Z. E. (2018). Embedding autism spectrum disorder diagnosis within the medical home: Decreasing wait times through streamlined assessment. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 2846-2853.
Content Reference 2
Holtrop, J. S., Estabrooks, P. A., Gaglio, B., Harden, S. M., Kessler, R. S., King, D. K., ... & Glasgow, R. E. (2021). Understanding and applying the RE-AIM framework: Clarifications and resources. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 5(1), e126.
Content Reference 3
Stringer, H. (2023). Providers predict longer wait times for mental health services. Here’s who it impacts most. Monitor on Psychology, 53(4).
Content Reference 4
DeVries, L., Dempsey, J., & Wilson, R. (2023). Improving Access to Diagnostic Evaluations for Developmental Disabilities Through an Initial Assessment Model. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 44(5), e345-e349.
Content Reference 5
Anthony, H., Reupert, A., & McLean, L. (2024). Parent experiences of specific learning disorder diagnosis: A scoping review. Dyslexia, 30(1), e1757.