This session will describe the successes and challenges of the creation, dissemination and implementation of integrated behavioral health services in the Military Health System over a 14-year period. The presenters will use C. J. Peek’s “Three World View” (Clinical, Operational and Financial) as a guiding platform for the presentation. Presenters will detail factors believed to be important in any health system or clinic start-up of integrated behavioral health services and provide guidance on potential pitfalls and how to anticipate and mitigate them.
Jeffrey Goodie PhD, ABPP, Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Science, Gaithersburg, MD
Goodie, J. L., Hunter, C. L., & Dobmeyer, A. C. (2023). Optimizing and personalizing behavioral health care in the U. S. Department of Defense through primary care behavioral health. BMJ Military Health, 12:e002312,
Dobmeyer, A. C., Hunter, C. L., Corso, M. L., Nielsen, M. K., Corso, K. A., Polizzi, N. C., & Earles, J. E. (2016). Primary care behavioral health provider training: Systematic development and implementation in a large medical system. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Setting, 23, 207-224.
Hunter, C. L., Goodie, J. L., Dobmeyer A. C., & Dorrance, K. A. (2014). Tipping points in the Department of Defense’s experience with psychologists in primary care. American Psychologist, 69, 388-398. doi:10.1037/a0035806