Poster 74 - Utilization of Primary Care Physician Resources in an Integrated Behavioral Health Family Resident Training Clinic

This poster will describe a study that investigates how behavioral health patients in a rural/suburban family medicine resident training clinic utilize the resources of their primary care physician (PCP) prior to an initial visit with an integrated behavioral health team. It will describe utilization metrics (i.e., number of visits, number of phone calls, number of laboratory tests and imaging studies ordered, number of medications prescribed, and length of visits) that took place during the 12 months prior to initial behavioral health visits. The study also investigated whether the presence of trauma diagnoses impacted utilization, as previous research suggests individuals with trauma diagnoses may utilize more PCP resources. The poster will also describe the integrated behavioral health model employed in the training clinic.

Date & Time
Friday, October 25, 2024, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Meredith Williamson, PhD; Mariah Montgomery, PhD
Content Level
All Audience
Session Type
Location Name
Lone Star DEF & Corr.
Objective 1
Understand utilization of PCP resources and its relevance in integrated care
Objective 2
Identify relevant contributors to utilization of PCP resources by behavioral health patients and how trauma may impact utilization of resources
Objective 3
Discuss a unique model of integrated care in a family medicine resident training clinic serving rural and suburban individuals.
Content Reference 1
Klassan, B. J., Porcerelli, J. H., & Markova, T. (2013). The effects of PTSD symptoms on health care resource utilization in a low-income, urban primary care setting. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 26, 636-639. DOI: 10.1002/jts.21838
Content Reference 2
Thompson, E. J., Anderson, V. A., Hearps, S. J. C., McCarthy, M. C., Mihalopoulos, C., Nicholson, J. M., Rayner, M., & Muscara, F. (2017). Posttraumatic stress symptom severity and health service utilization in trauma-exposed parents. Health Psychology, 36(8), 779–786.
Content Reference 3
Naessens, J. M., Baird, M. A., Van Houten, H. K., Vanness, D. J., & Campbell, C. R. (2005). Predicting persistently high primary care use. Annals of family medicine, 3(4), 324–330.