C03 - Interactive Learning Groups: Innovative Enhancements of Competency-based Training for Collaborative Care Managers in VHA Integrated Primary Care

Since 2017, more than 4500 healthcare professionals have been trained in Integrated Primary Care (IPC) through the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) national Competency-based Training (CT). This presentation will focus on recent innovations and enhancements to CT featuring the addition of eight interactive learning groups. Learning groups were designed to augment previously asynchronous, independent-study content, tailoring training for collaborative care managers in response to needs identified by leaders and trainers in IPC. We will discuss selection methods for learning group content and format, and present participant knowledge and satisfaction data. Our target audience includes those interested in methods for training integrated healthcare team members for high fidelity, collaborative practice, and attendees will learn about content relevant to the training of collaborative care managers specifically as well as the process for tailoring and enhancing training materials more broadly.

Date & Time
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Luke Mitzel
Jessica N. Martin, Psy.D.; Katherine M. Dollar, Ph.D., ABPP; April C. Eaker, B.A.; Michelle E. Bruce, Psy.D.; Lindsey Ross-Bailey, Ph.D., ABPP; Erin O. Zerth, Ph.D.; Julia Kogan, Psy.D.; Shannon B. Peck, Ph.D.; Theodora Stratis, Ph.D.; Ashley D. Davidson, M.D.; Zachary D. Zuschlag, D.O.; Holly Peters, PharmD, BCPP; Leigha K. De Stefano B.A.; Tad Kalahar, B.S.
Content Level
All Audience
Collaborative Care Model of Integrated Care, Innovations, Training/Supervision
Session Type
Location Name
Bowie A
Objective 1
Describe at least one method for identifying necessary innovations in training healthcare professionals.
Objective 2
Discuss content and format for learning groups in Phase I of CT.
Objective 3
Describe key data from learning groups in Phase I of CT regarding participant satisfaction and applicability of knowledge.
Content Reference 1

Kearney, L. K., Dollar, K. M., Beehler, G. P., Goldstein, W. R., Grasso, J. R., Wray, L. O., & Pomerantz, A. S. (2020). Creation and implementation of a national interprofessional integrated primary care competency training program: Preliminary findings and lessons learned. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 14(3), 219–227.

Content Reference 2

Center for Integrated Healthcare. (2024, February 29). Education and Brief Interventions. PCMHI Collaborative Care Management Toolkit. PCMHI Collaborative Care Management (PCMHI CoCM): Education and Brief Interventions (

Content Reference 3

Duncan, B. L., Reese, R. J., Lengerich, A. J., DeSantis, B., Comeau, C. V., & Johnson-Esparza, Y. (2021). Measurement-based care in integrated health care: A randomized clinical trial. Families, Systems & Health, 39(2), 259–268.

Content Reference 4

Bauer, A. M., Jakupcak, M., Hawrilenko, M., Bechtel, J., Arao, R., & Fortney, J. C. (2021). Outcomes of a health informatics technology-supported behavioral activation training for care managers in a collaborative care program. Families, Systems & Health, 39(1), 89–100.

Content Reference 5

Hoge, M.A., Morris, J.A., Laraia, M., Pomerantz, A., & Farley, T. (2014). Core Competencies for Integrated Behavioral Health and Primary Care. Washington, DC: SAMHSA - HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions.