L10 - Leveraging Innovation to Support Integration: Enhancing Competency-based Training for Behavioral Health Providers and Collaborative Care Managers in VHA Integrated Primary Care

The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) recently enhanced multiple phases of its national Competency-based Training (CT) for Integrated Primary Care (IPC) through which more than 4500 healthcare professionals have been trained since CT’s inception in 2017. This presentation will cover innovations to the concurrent training of collaborative care managers and behavioral health providers as a foundation for optimizing patient care and improving team functioning in integrated care settings. We will discuss the iterative process of CT development, key data on participant ratings of training satisfaction and applicability of knowledge, as well as pass rates of role plays to demonstrate key competencies. Our target audience is those interested in methods for training integrated healthcare team members for high fidelity and collaborative practice, and attendees will learn about innovative methods for enhancing content while reducing cognitive load for trainers and participants.

Date & Time
Saturday, October 26, 2024, 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Luke Mitzel
Jessica N. Martin, Psy.D.; Katherine M. Dollar, Ph.D., ABPP; April C. Eaker, B.A. Michelle E. Bruce, Psy.D., Janette M. Mance-Khourey, Ph.D.; La Wanda M. Freeman, B.S.; Sarah J. Ingle, Ph.D.; Michele A. Crisafulli, Ph.D.; Joseph M. Barron, Ph.D.; Tad Kalahar, B.S.; Katharine Silverman-VanTreese, LCSW
Content Level
All Audience
Innovations, Training/Supervision
Session Type
Location Name
Presidio B
Objective 1
Describe 1-3 examples of training innovation to support concurrent training of behavioral health providers and collaborative care managers.
Objective 2
Describe key data on CT participant pass rates for role plays in which participants are rated on demonstration of core competencies.
Objective 3
Describe key data on CT participant ratings of training satisfaction and applicability of knowledge.
Content Reference 1
Kearney, L. K., Dollar, K. M., Beehler, G. P., Goldstein, W. R., Grasso, J. R., Wray, L. O., & Pomerantz, A. S. (2020). Creation and implementation of a national interprofessional integrated primary care competency training program: Preliminary findings and lessons learned. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 14(3), 219–227.
Content Reference 2
Hunter, C. L., Goodie, J. L., Oordt, M. S., & Dobmeyer, A. C. (2024). Integrated behavioral health in primary care: Step-by-step guidance for assessment and intervention (3rd ed.). American Psychological Association.
Content Reference 3
Center for Integrated Healthcare. (2024, February 29). Education and Brief Interventions. PCMHI Collaborative Care Management Toolkit. PCMHI Collaborative Care Management (PCMHI CoCM): Education and Brief Interventions (
Content Reference 4
Hunter, C. L., Goodie, J. L., Dobmeyer, A. C., & Dorrance, K. A. (2014). Tipping points in the Department of Defense’s experience with psychologists in primary care. American Psychologist, 69(4), 388-398. doi:10.1037/a0035806
Content Reference 5
Hoge, M.A., Morris, J.A., Laraia, M., Pomerantz, A., & Farley, T. (2014). Core Competencies for Integrated Behavioral Health and Primary Care. Washington, DC: SAMHSA - HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions.