Implementing and sustaining innovations in high fidelity integrated care programming is challenging and requires intentional planning by leaders who are informed by implementation science (e.g., Ritchie et al., 2019). Multiple implementation science frameworks propose that successful implementation of clinical innovations, such as integrated care, is influenced by several key domains, including the context of the setting(s) within which they are implemented, characteristics of the recipients of the innovation, and characteristics of the innovation itself (Kirchner et al., 2022). When rigorously applied, leaders spark the uptake, quality, and adherence to evidence within integrated primary care and fuel the outcomes desired by their system leadership and stakeholders. This presentation will provide participants with an overview of evidence-informed implementation activities (e.g., implementation planning guides, communication strategies, and best practices in partner engagement) within the context of integrated care and provide opportunities for leaders to practice and apply these techniques to enhance innovations in their settings. The target audience includes integrated care team leaders interested in applying evidence-informed strategies to advance innovations and enhance integrated care within their system.