The Life Beyond Long COVID workshop is a 3-module, 4-to-6 session series of psychoeducational classes created by a team of embedded psychologists in the South Texas VA’s COVID Convalescence Clinic. These classes target key health areas negatively impacted by Long COVID including sleep, fatigue, and brain fog. Presenters will provide an overview of the class content as well as strategies for attendees to incorporate these interventions into their own clinical practice.
Devon Madison PsyD, Staff Psychologist, South Texas VA Health Care System, San Antonio, TX
Iris Cahill PhD, Psychologist, South Texas Veterans Health Care System, San Antonio, Texas
Alqahtani, J. S., Almamary, A. S., Alghamdi, S. M., Komies, S., Althobiani, M., Aldhahir, A. M., Naser, A. Y. (2022). Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on psychological aspects. COVID-19 and the Sustainable Development Goals, (235–2558). doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-91307-2.00007-9.
Casson, S., Jones, M. D., Cassar, J., Kwai, N., Lloyd, A. R., Barry, B. K., & Sandler, C. X. (2022). The effectiveness of activity pacing interventions for people with chronic fatigue syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Disability and Rehabilitation, (1–15).
Cummings, L. (2023). Long COVID: The impact on language and cognition. Language and Health. doi: 10.1016/j.laheal.2023.05.001(Accessed: March 8, 2024).
Hawke, L. D., Nguyen, A. T. P., Ski, C. F., Thompson, D. R., Ma, C., Castle, D. Interventions for mental health, cognition, and psychological wellbeing in long COVID: a systematic review of registered trials. Psychological Medicine, 52, 13 (2426-2440). doi: 10.1017/S0033291722002203.
Neculicioiu, V.S. et al. (2022). Time to sleep? A review of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sleep and Mental Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, (Accessed: February 21, 2023).