This session provides attendees with a roadmap for the design, implementation, and evaluation of healthcare provider well-being programming. A current case study will illustrate effective program evaluation and “just in time” adjustment through the life of a project. Attendees will complete their own mapping using a comprehensive program evaluation formula (M.I.S.S.I.O.N.; Linfield & Posavac, 2019).
Abbie Beacham PhD, Associate Professor, Director of Behavioral Science and Well-being Programming, University of Louisville School of Dentistry, Louisville, Kentucky
Beacham, A. O.; Brainard, A.; Janosy, N., & Reese, J. (2020). A brief evidence-based intervention to enhance Workplace Well-being and Flourishing in health care professionals: Feasibility and pilot outcomes. Journal of Wellness: Vol. 2 (1), Article 7. DOI:
Linfield, K. & Posavac, E. (Eds). (2019). Program evaluation methods and case studies. Routledge.
Seligman, M. (2011). Flourish. New York, NY: Free Press