H12 - Building Research Capacity in Primary Care Clinics: Step-by-step Guidance for Developing a Culture of Research and Scholarship

Primary care departments and settings can often benefit from enhancing their research capacity. Family medicine organizations have created the Building Research Capacity (BRC) program to train individuals how to develop research capacity. Based on lessons taught during the BRC fellowship participants will learn strategies for enhancing research capacity in their primary care environments.

Date & Time
Friday, October 25, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Jennifer Funderburk
Jennifer S. Funderburk, PhD, VA Center for Integrated Healthcare
Content Level
Primary Care Behavioral Health Model, Research and evaluation (e.g. data analysis methods), Workforce development
Session Type
SIG or Committee
Location Name
Bonham B
Objective 1
Analyze the existing research landscape in primary care settings and recognize the need for more scholarship in these environments.
Objective 2
Understand how to use a strategic plan for research capacity building by conducting needs assessments and stakeholder mapping.
Objective 3
Apply the concepts of research capacity building to their own primary care clinics and departments.
Content Reference 1
North American Primary Care Research Group Committee on Building Research Capacity, & Academic Family Medicine Organizations Research Subcommittee (2002). What does it mean to build research capacity?. Family Medicine, 34(9), 678–684.
Content Reference 2
Cooke J. (2005). A framework to evaluate research capacity building in health care. BMC Family Practice, 6, 44.
Content Reference 3
Liaw, W., Eden, A., Coffman, M., Nagaraj, M., & Bazemore, A. (2019). Factors associated with successful research departments a qualitative analysis of family medicine research bright spots. Family Medicine, 51(2), 87–102.