Relapse Prevention Planning (RPP) is a technique borrowed from substance use disorder care that has been used in the treatment of depression and other common mental health conditions treated in primary care for over 25 years. Despite the strong evidence base for including this as part of an effective integrated care program, Relapse Prevention Planning is often overlooked or done in a cursory way. This activity-based session will use patient cases and other activities to explore the key components of an effective Relapse Prevention Plan, how to introduce it to patients, optimal timing, using the plan with the care team, helping patients optimize the use of the plan as a self-management strategy, and other considerations.
Monica Harrison MSW, LCSW, Practice Coach & Clinical Trainer, Individual - Monica Harrison, High Point, North Carolina

Moriarty AS, Coventry PA, Hudson JL, The role of relapse prevention for depression in collaborative care: a systematic review. J Affect Disorders Mar 15 2020; 265:6180644.
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Kappelin C, Carlsson AC, Wachtler C. Specific content for collaborative care: a systematic review of collaborative care interventions for patients with multimorbidity involving depression and/or anxiety in primary care. Family Practice July 19 2022; 39(4):725-734.