G07 - Practice Like a CHAMPion! Practical Applications of CoCM for Treating OUD: Lessons Learned from The Champ Clinical Trial

Since the elimination of the DEA x-waiver in January 2023, any clinician with a DEA license that includes Schedule III medication can now prescribe buprenorphine for the management of Opioid Use Disorder.  This means more primary care providers can now utilize FDA-approved medication to help their patients living with OUD.  But are those providers adequately equipped to meet the need and help turn the tide on the opioid epidemic?  In this session, we hope to inspire integrated care teams to learn more about OUD and consider adding life-saving medication options to their integrated behavioral health skill set.

Date & Time
Friday, October 25, 2024, 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Jennifer Thomas Kathy Ulivi
Content Level
All Audience
Collaborative Care Model of Integrated Care, Medical, Opioid management
Session Type
SIG or Committee
Location Name
Travis C
Objective 1
Identify OUD in the primary care population
Objective 2
Increase comfort level with prescribing medication for OUD
Objective 3
Review BH interventions for OUD in primary care and Discuss highlights from the CHAMP clinical trial
Content Reference 1

University of Washington AIMS Center, Collaborative Care Implementation Guide and Evidence Base for CoCM,

Content Reference 2

Collaborating to Heal Addiction and Mental Health in Primary Care: Clinical Trial Website,

Content Reference 3

Casadonte, MD, Paul. (November 2021.),Buprenorphine Induction, Providers Clinical Support System.

Content Reference 4

Fortney,J. ( October 2023) Does Screening For Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care Increase the Percentage of Patients with a New Diagnosis? Annals of Internal Medicine.