Poster 52 - Cultural Considerations in PCBH for Hispanic/Latinx Patients and their Families in Southwest Ohio
Date & Time
Friday, October 25, 2024, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Location Name
Lone Star Ballroom Prefunction Area

To improve accessibility, cultural applicability and patient engagement in PCBH with the Hispanic/Latinx population of HSO. Demographic data will be collected from Hispanic HSO patients, patients that are seen for BHC services, and the amount of visits they have been seen. Exploration of the somatization of mental health concerns in Hispanic patients and recognition of cultural context and stigma of mental health. Providing translated and culturally appropriate BHC materials for patients, as well as having the availability of both Hispanic/Latinx male and female providers with varying Spanish fluency to provide optimal care.

Mike Bruner Annaliet Delgado-Rodriguez Jose Polanco
Jose Polanco, MA, MEd; Annaliet Delgado-Rodriguez, MA; Tulio Ortega, MA; Idalise Suarez-Velazquez, PhD, MA; Mike Bruner, PsyD
Content Level
All Audience
Session Type
Objective 1
Identify and explain avenues for implementing culturally appropriate care
Objective 2
Recognize the complexities of culture and how to adapt PCBH accordingly
Objective 3
Collaborate with other healthcare systems to improve Hispanic/Latinx patient-centered care
Content Reference 1

Anastasia, E. A., Guzman, L. E., & Bridges, A. J. (2023). Barriers to integrated primary care and specialty mental health services: Perspectives from Latinx and non-Latinx White primary care patients (Vol. 20, No. S1, p. 48). Educational Publishing Foundation.

Content Reference 2

Bridges, A. J., Mapes, A. R., Scafe, M., & Guzman, L. E. (2022). Primary care behavioral health patients’ stage of change: Correlates and relation to follow-up session attendance. Families, Systems, & Health, 40(1), 60.

Content Reference 3

Diaz-Rios, K., George, D., Hernandez, M., Garcia, E., Ruiz, M., & Arellano III, S. (2023). Primary Care Behavioral Health Partnerships Advancing & Transforming Health Sciences (PCBH PATHS).

Content Reference 4

Mazzetti, J. R. (2018). Utilization of Behavioral Health Services Among the Latino Population.

Content Reference 5

Possemato, K., Johnson, E. M., Beehler, G. P., Shepardson, R. L., King, P., Vair, C. L., ... & Wray, L. O. (2018). Patient outcomes associated with primary care behavioral health services: A systematic review. General hospital psychiatry, 53, 1-11. Remoue Gonzales, S., & Higgs, J. (2020). Perspectives on Integrated Behavioral Health in pediatric care with immigrant children and adolescents in a Federally Qualified Health Center in Texas. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 25(3), 625-635.