Poster 53 - Ask a Question, Save a Life: Improving Suicide Prevention Practices in Primary Care

Primary care physicians have a unique opportunity to detect suicide risk and connect patients with effective treatment. Over 83% of individuals who die from suicide have a healthcare visit in the year prior to their death, and 50% within the preceding 4 weeks. Competing demands during clinic visits, limited behavioral health resources, and lack of standard workflows can lead to lost opportunities for suicidality screening and assessment. In this session, we will share an approach to suicidality screening and assessment that is evidence-based, integrated into existing electronic health record workflows, and involves collaboration across disciplines. We will also review strategies for increasing behavioral health integration to support suicide prevention efforts within an academic health system.

Date & Time
Friday, October 25, 2024, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Laura Petersen, MHSA; Miho Ito-Navarro, MSW
Content Level
All Audience
Session Type
Location Name
Lone Star DEF & Corr.
Objective 1
Explain the rationale for increased suicidality screening and assessment in primary care and define the regulatory requirements involved in providing this care.
Objective 2
Identify electronic health record enhancements and practices for each member of the healthcare team that can lead to suicide prevention opportunities.
Objective 3
Advocate for increased behavioral health integration and resources to support primary care in conducting increased suicide risk screening and assessment.
Content Reference 1
Ahmedani, Health Care Contacts in the Year Before Suicide Death. J Gen Intern Med. 2014 Jun; 29(6): 870–877.
Content Reference 2
Coffey MJ , Coffey CE , Ahmedani BK . Suicide in a health maintenance organization population. JAMA Psychiatry. 2015; 72(3): 294–6.
Content Reference 3
Curtain, S.C, Garnett, M.F., Ahmad, F.B. Vital Statistics Rapid Release, Report No. 34, Nov. 2023: Provisional Estimates of Suicide by Demographic Characteristics: United States, 2022. CDC National Center for Health Statistics