Writing Skills for Publication and Grant Submission: A Workshop with the Editors of Families, Systems, & Health

This workshop will assist participants with transforming good ideas into successfully developed and submitted journal papers and funding proposals.  We will identify participants’ key concerns about developing their work. The workshop will have two main focuses: 1) elicit participants’ feedback about how the FSH editors can support their scholarly work and 2) provide didactic and hands-on experience turning your writing ideas into a finished written product. Participants are encouraged to bring ideas for manuscripts or proposals at any stage of development. These will be used for constructive critique and discussion by other participants.

Participants are encouraged to bring ideas for manuscripts or proposals at any stage of development. These will be used for constructive critique and discussion by other participants.

Families, Systems and Health is the CFHA Journal


Date & Time
Friday, October 25, 2024, 11:15 AM - 1:15 PM
Content Level
All Audience
Mentorship, Workforce development
Location Name
Travis C
Objective 1
Review their experiences with FS&H and identify editorial content and process directions for the journal moving forward.
Objective 2
List the core elements of a successful manuscript.
Objective 3
Review challenging writing content (i.e., abstract, background, methods, and conclusions) and aligning with journal's focus and guidelines.
Content Reference 1

Alspach, J. (2017). Writing for publication 101: Why the abstract is so important." Critical Care Nurse, 37(4), 12-15.

Content Reference 2

Bajwa, S. & Sawhney, C. (2016). Preparing manuscript: Scientific writing for publication. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, 60(9), 674-678.

Content Reference 3

Dixon, N. (2001). Writing for publication–a guide for new authors. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 13(5), 417-421.

Content Reference 4

Cargill M. & O’Connor P. (2021). Writing scientific research articles: Strategy and steps. John Wiley & Sons.

Content Reference 5

Woods P. & Sikes P. (2022). Successful writing for qualitative researchers. (3rd ed). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003143406