Poster Walk
Date & Time
Friday, October 25, 2024, 4:55 PM - 6:30 PM
Location Name
Lone Star Ballroom Prefunction Area

Join CFHA Research and Evaluation Committee members on a Poster Walk!

This is a great way to informally network with other members of CFHA, find fellow members interested in similar topics, discuss poster topics, and learn more about integrated care and conducting quality improvement, program evaluation, and research.

Grab an appetizer and a drink and meet Friday at 5:20 pm at the first poster listed in the walk. The walk will be approximately 45 minutes long.

Sign-Up Here: Rec: CFHA Poster Walk Sign-Up Sponsored By CFHA Research and Evaluation Committee (

Poster Walk #1: “Different Methods of Conducting Research on Integrated Care” led by Dr. Jen Funderburk

Posters included:

Poster 75: Pilot Open Trial of a Telehealth-delivered, Transdiagnostic Group Intervention for PCBH settings
Poster 76: Managing Type 2 Diabetes Through the Lens of People with Serious Mental Illness: A Photovoice study
Poster 77: Investigating Protective Factors Against Adverse Childhood Experiences in Primary Care

Poster Walk #2: “Enhancing the Effectiveness of Primary Care Behavioral Health Integration,” led by Dr. Jeff Goodie

This poster walk will include three stops at posters that relate to efforts to enhance the effectiveness of integration among behavioral health consultants in primary care settings.

Posters included:

Poster 03 - Leveraging Care Partners in Primary Care Behavioral Health Integration
Poster 31 - Subtle Changes With Big Impact: Moving Along The Continuum Of Integration
Poster 55 - A Brief Didactic to Increase Warm Handoffs in Integrated Care

Jennifer Funderburk
Research and evaluation (e.g. data analysis methods)
SIG or Committee