Full Name
Constance van Eeghen DrPH, MHSA, MBA
Job Title
Associate Professor
The University of Vermont
Speaker Short Bio
Connie van Eeghen, DrPH, MHSA, MBA, is Associate Professor in the
Division of Public Health, Larner College of Medicine, University of Vermont
and a Practice-Based Researcher certified by the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality Centers of Excellence. As a mixed methods,
implementation scientist, her research, teaching and service work focuses on
health services and stakeholder engagement in research, quality
improvement, and organizational change in health care.
Dr. van Eeghen has a 25-year history in helping front-line health care
providers and staff redesign processes. She has educated health care
professionals in quality improvement, strategic planning, and the use of the
Toyota Production System concepts and methods known as “Lean.” She
facilitates health care teams in structured improvement processes and has
authored three “Implementation Toolkits” that change primary care
processes to improve patient outcomes: behavioral health integration, opioid
prescription management, and hypertension. She is a published author in
the transformation of primary care practices integrating behavioral health
and in evaluation of health care education programs on interprofessional,
team-based care related to screening, brief intervention, and referral to
Organizations that Dr. van Eeghen has assisted include academic health
centers, state universities, mid-size community hospitals, multi-group
physician offices, non-profit education organizations, specialty multi-office
practices, psychiatric rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities, and
critical access hospitals. She has received funding from the National
Institutes of Health, including the National Institute on Drug Abuse and
National Institute of Mental Health, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
Institute (PCORI), and from private funders. She is the Principal Investigator
(PI)/Project Lead of a PCORI funded award for building capacity in multi-
stakeholder engagement and the PI of record for the PCORI Integrating
Behavioral Health and Primary Care project, currently conducting per
protocol analyses to evaluate the components of the intervention, a
structured toolkit to improve IBH in primary care.
Constance van Eeghen