Full Name
Peter Metzger MD
Job Title
Pediatrician, Site Medical Director
Speaker Short Bio
Peter Metzger MD, FAAP (he/him) is a general pediatrician with HealthPoint @ Family First in Renton, WA and the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) at Great Conversations. As a physician, Peter is passionate about empowering kids to be confident decision-makers about their bodies and health. He believes that all people deserve compassionate and affirming care. His practice focuses on providing high-quality, wholistic medical care to underserved families from all around the world by building cross-cultural bridges and implementing evidence-based medicine. His team partners with the Family First Community Center to provide integrated healthcare (medical/dental/mental health) in a community center setting - aiming to improve whole community wellbeing.

As a physician and teacher, Peter is inspired by his family of educators: nurses, elementary school teachers, college professors, business leaders, and physicians. Peter has witnessed high quality teaching change lives. Peter’s work with Great Conversations grounds medically accurate terminology in accessible humor for all ages, while honoring a diversity of experiences in the room. He utilizes this passion for and knowledge of development and puberty to ground conversations he has with patients about their health, sexuality, gender, and mental health. His experiences as a medical student at the University of Washington, and a general pediatric resident at Seattle Children’s Hospital inform this practice. He has had the opportunity to practice medicine in several states, rural and urban communities, hospital and outpatient settings, and he enjoys tailoring health information to meet families where they are. He loves to couple the nuanced art of teaching with the often hard-to-talk-about topics of puberty, gender, and sexuality.

Peter is delighted to partner with his wife to raise their daughter, cultivating a shared joy of cycling, running, and being in the mountains.
Peter Metzger