Full Name
Emily Jenkins
Job Title
Supervising Attorney and Duffy Fellow
Legal Clinic for the Disabled
Speaker Short Bio
Emily Jenkins is a Supervising Attorney at the Legal Clinic for the Disabled (LCD), a legal aid organization in Philadelphia, PA. She manages the Medical Legal Partnership (MLP) Initiative at LCD that includes six partnerships across nine physical sites in Philadelphia. This initiative is staffed by five staff attorneys and 2 paralegals. Emily also manages client flow through LCD’s General Intake line, which ensures the general public can access LCD’s services. In addition to her supervisory duties, Emily maintains her own caseload, assisting clients in the following areas of law: landlord-tenant, family law, public benefits, advance planning, guardianship, immigration, and special education. In her previous role as a Staff Attorney at LCD, Emily staffed LCD’s MLP with St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, providing direct legal services to St. Christopher’s patients and their families who were treated in the Ambulatory Clinic, Newborn Clinic, and Center for Children with Special Health Care Needs. She also trained nurses, doctors, residents, social workers, and health care staff to identify social influencers of health that are legal in nature and impact positive health care outcomes.
Emily Jenkins