K02 - Geriatric M’s and W’s: Considerations in Providing Healthcare for Older Adults

The population of older adults in America is an extremely diverse one. Working with these individuals in the healthcare system provides many challenges. Many geriatric providers use a system of 5Ms to approach health: Multi-complexity, Medications, Mobility, Mentation, and what Matters. This presentation will discuss these in the context of the primary care team and adds W, Who, Where, and What to help professionals understand their older patients in a more complete context in order to provide the best care for them.

Date & Time
Saturday, October 26, 2024, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Sarah Stookey
Content Level
All Audience
Geriatrics, Medical, Patient-centered care or Patient perspectives, Primary Care Behavioral Health Model, Team-based care
Session Type
SIG or Committee
PCBH, Medical
Location Name
Mission B
Objective 1
be familiar with the Geriatric M’s and how to use these in a functional assessment.
Objective 2
be able to identify how using the M’s and W’s in working with older adults can help with keeping the focus of healthcare patient centered.
Objective 3
be able to discuss complex cases using the M’s and W’s to help prioritize healthcare needs.
Content Reference 1

Mate K, Fulmer T, Pelton L, Berman A, Bonner A, Huang W, Zhang J. Evidence for the 4Ms: Interactions and Outcomes across the Care Continuum. J Aging Health. 2021 Aug-Sep;33(7-8):469-481. doi: 10.1177/0898264321991658. Epub 2021 Feb 8. PMID: 33555233; PMCID: PMC8236661.

Content Reference 2

Monette PJ, Schwartz AW. Optimizing Medications with the Geriatrics 5Ms: An Age-Friendly Approach. Drugs Aging. 2023 May;40(5):391-396. doi: 10.1007/s40266-023-01016-6. Epub 2023 Apr 12. PMID: 37043166; PMCID: PMC10092911.

Content Reference 3

Tinetti, M., Huang, A. and Molnar, F. (2017), The Geriatrics 5M's: A New Way of Communicating What We Do. J Am Geriatr Soc, 65: 2115-2115.