G04 - Grab Your Remote! A Virtual Only Model for Integrated Care

As Summit Health was growing rapidly, a necessary shift in the existing model of care took place to allow for coverage of over 200 PCPs in 40+ locations. iPads were embedded in every office and a hotline for hallway handoffs was created. The care navigation program was created. BHCs began seeing patients all over the state using a virtual platform. There have been wonderful successes and celebrations along with some definite pain points and things we wish we could do over. Whether you want to use a remote BHC in one office or many, part-time or full-time and you have a widening geographic reach, this is the presentation for you!

Date & Time
Friday, October 25, 2024, 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Elizabeth Nikol
Content Level
All Audience
Care management, Cost Effectiveness or Financial sustainability, Innovations, Team-based care, Telehealth
Session Type
Location Name
Bowie B
Objective 1
List the requirements and workflows of a virtual only IBH program
Objective 2
Understand the pros and cons of a model like this and how to troubleshoot during program planning
Objective 3
Describe how a virtual program addition could assist patients beyond what in person BHCs are currently able to do
Content Reference 1
Fillppi et al (2023). Integrated Behavioral Health Adaptations During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine Nov 2023, 36 (6) 1023-102
Content Reference 2
Hilty, D.M., Johnston, B., McCarron, R.M. (2016). How e-Mental Health Adds to Traditional Outpatient and Newer Models of Integrated Care for Patients, Providers, and Systems. In: Mucic, D., Hilty, D. (eds) e-Mental Health. Springer, Cham.
Content Reference 3
Sampson, D., Mueller, M. (2017). Integrating Behavioral Health into Rural Primary Care Clinics Utilizing a TeleMental Health Model. In: Maheu, M., Drude, K., Wright, S. (eds) Career Paths in Telemental Health. Springer, Cham.
Content Reference 4
Fountaine, A. R., Iyar, M. M., & Lutes, L. D. (2023). Examining the Utility of a Telehealth Warm Handoff in Integrated Primary Care for Improving Patient Engagement in Mental Health Treatment: Randomized Video Vignette Study. JMIR Formative Research, 7(1), e40274.