H03 - Improving Outcomes and Value: A Panel on the Importance of Measurement-Based Care and Value-Based Payments for Integrated Care Teams

This presentation will be an interactive panel hosted by the Measurement-Based Care (MBC) and Value-Based Care (VBC) Workgroups that provides an understanding of the importance of MBC and VBC in integrated care settings. Participants will learn why MBC and VBC are relevant to their patients and integrated care team, discuss pragmatic implementation strategies, troubleshoot common barriers, and address financial implications including value-based contracts. This panel is for healthcare (behavioral health and medical) providers and administrators who are implementing or preparing to implement measurement-based care and/or value-based contracts within the primary care setting. The panel will foster lively conversations with attendees and be an engaging experience for al

Date & Time
Friday, October 25, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Kelli Bosak Rachel Bembas William Sieber David Haddick Brandon Fisher
Content Level
All Audience
Collaborative Care Model of Integrated Care, Complex Patient Care, Cost Effectiveness or Financial sustainability, Medical, Outcomes, Patient-centered care or Patient perspectives, Population and public health, Primary Care Behavioral Health Model, Quality improvement programs, Technical assistance
Session Type
SIG or Committee
PCBH, Medical
Location Name
Bowie A
Objective 1
Define meaningful measurement-based care and its significance in healthcare delivery.
Objective 2
Recognize the role of payment methodologies, such as value-based care (VBC), in incentivizing quality measurements.
Objective 3
Identify two key points and strategies to convey the importance of integrating behavioral health metrics into value-based care models.
Content Reference 1

Barber, J., & Resnick, S. G. (2022). Collect, Share, Act: A transtheoretical clinical model for doing measurement-based care in mental health treatment. Psychological Services. Advance online publication.

Content Reference 2

Duncan, B. L., Reese, R. J., Lengerich, A. J., DeSantis, B., Comeau, C. V., & Johnson-Esparza, Y. (2021). Measurement-based care in integrated health care: A randomized clinical trial. Families, Systems, & Health, 39(2), 259.

Content Reference 3

Fortney, J. C., Unützer, J., Wrenn, G., Pyne, J. M., Smith, G. R., Schoenbaum, M., & Harbin, H. T. (2017). A tipping point for measurement-based care. Psychiatric services, 68(2), 179-188.

Content Reference 4

Steenhuis, S., Struijus, J., Koolman, X., Ket, J., & Van Der Hijden, E. (2020). Unraveling the Complexity in the Design and Implementation of Bundled Payments: A Scoping Review of Key Elements From a Payer’s Perspective. The Milbank Quarterly, 98(1), 197–222.

Content Reference 5

Mechanic, R. E. (2023). All-Payer Value-Based Contracting in Organizations With Medicare ACOs. The American Journal of Managed Care, 29(11), 601–604.