This interactive presentation will discuss the development and maintenance of an innovative internal VA SharePoint (SPO) as a “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) platform specific to IPC. The platform allows for continuous revision and update of the most relevant VA policy and IPC practice information, including embedded videos, graphics, document libraries, and other resources. The authors will discuss the creation/maintenance of this platform within VA and explore additional resources more widely available to the IPC community. Discussion of the FAQ content and sharing of resources between participants will be encouraged.

Kearney, L.K., Dollar, K.M., Beehler, G.P., Goldstein, W.R., Grasso, J.R., Wray, L.M., & Pomerantz, A.S. (2019). Creation and implementation of a national interprofessional integrated primary care competency training program: Preliminary findings and lessons learned. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 14(3), 219-227.
Kearney, L.K., Schaefer, J.A., Dollar, K.M., Iwamasa, G.Y., Katz, I., Schmitz, T., . . . Resnick, S.G. (2018). Envisioning transformation in VA mental health services through collaborative site visits. Psychiatric Services, 69, 744–747.
Reiter, J.T., Dobmeyer, A.C., & Hunter, C.L. (2018). The primary care behavioral health (PCBH) model: An overview and operational definition. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 25, 109-126.