L07 - Exploring Differences in Engagement in Integrated Behavioral Health Care Services and Associated Differences in Outcomes

We will utilize clinical records from patients screened in integrated primary care settings to identify patterns and differences in who engages in behavioral health care after screening at risk for depression, anxiety, or substance misuse, and how that engagement impacts outcomes. The purpose of the analysis is to identify if there is disproportionate utilization based on personal demographics, geography, or other structural factors. For providers, identifying these patterns can provide a starting point for adapting patient engagement approaches to increase retention and improve outcomes across patients. At the health system level, the results help to identify training and capacity needs to better support all types of patients. Attendees will learn specifically about the role that rurality plays in engagement in care as well as the impacts of integrated primary care in Montana, a large, frontier state.

Date & Time
Saturday, October 26, 2024, 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Brandn Green
Liz Davies, Stephanie Cole, Kristal Jones
Content Level
All Audience
Primary Care Behavioral Health Model, Research and evaluation (e.g. data analysis methods), Rural
Session Type
SIG or Committee
Location Name
Travis C
Objective 1
Identify the value of analyzing measured client outcomes
Objective 2
Describe a model using data to support the future of IBH integration
Objective 3
Understand the value of using multi-variate models to examine patterns and differences in client utilization and outcomes
Content Reference 1
Mulvaney-Day, N., Marshall, T., Downey Piscopo, K. et al. Screening for Behavioral Health Conditions in Primary Care Settings: A Systematic Review of the Literature. J GEN INTERN MED 33, 335–346 (2018).
Content Reference 2
Kilbourne, A.M., Beck, K., Spaeth-Rublee, B., Ramanuj, P., O'Brien, R.W., Tomoyasu, N. and Pincus, H.A. (2018), Measuring and improving the quality of mental health care: a global perspective. World Psychiatry, 17: 30-38.
Content Reference 3
Mullin, DJ, Hargreaves, L, Auxier, A, et al. Measuring the integration of primary care and behavioral health services. Health Serv Res. 2019; 54: 379– 389.