Full Name
Stephanie Cole MS
Job Title
Research Manager
JG Research and Evaluation
Speaker Short Bio
Stephanie’s career in public health spans more than a decade, most of that time spent working at Open Aid Alliance, a non-profit community health organization in Missoula, Montana. In her role as program director, she designed and implemented harm reduction-based programs aimed to support the most stigmatized and vulnerable members of the community. In addition, she was responsible for the procurement of funding, developing outcomes-based evaluation techniques, dataset management, and
collaborative relationship building with local healthcare providers and other relevant community members. The most profound element of her work was building meaningful and trusting relationships with program participants. She developed a fervent belief that radical acceptance, connection, and self-determination are critical components for healing. She is a staunch advocate for health equity and believes her knowledge of harm reduction and public health offers a unique perspective in the research and evaluation work that she does.
She currently works as a Behavioral Health Research Manager for JG Research and Evaluation, a private research company based in Bozeman, MT.
Stephanie grew up in Yellowstone National Park, dodging bison on her way to and from elementary school. She completed her undergraduate International Studies degree at the University of Utah and her master’s degree in Medical Anthropology at the University of Colorado, Denver.