B12 - Navigating Challenges in Conducting Research and Evaluation as a Clinician Innovator

Clinicians who might engage in program evaluation, quality improvement, and/or research on their innovative ideas may feel intimidated by the process given a variety of potential challenges. We will present a case example of a clinician innovator’s journey partnering with integrated care researchers to collect pilot data to evaluate a promising transdiagnostic group intervention. After briefly describing the intervention and setting (5 minutes), we will share a variety of challenges (e.g., lack of dedicated time, complex human subjects research review process) that the clinician innovator faced along the way as well as how she navigated them (20 minutes). Then attendees will break into small groups and complete an interactive activity to facilitate brainstorming solutions to barriers faced at their own sites (20 minutes). To conclude we will debrief as a large group (15 minutes) and share ideas for practical yet powerful next steps that clinician innovators can take to maintain momentum toward research and evaluation.

Date & Time
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Robyn Shepardson
Nicola F. De Paul, PhD, Psychology Training Director, VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System, Reno, NV; Jennifer S. Funderburk, PhD, Clinical Research Psychologist, VA Center for Integrated Healthcare, Rochester, NY
Content Level
All Audience
Quality improvement programs, Research and evaluation (e.g. data analysis methods)
Session Type
SIG or Committee
Location Name
Bonham B
Objective 1
Describe potential challenges in engaging in research and evaluation as a frontline clinician
Objective 2
Identify potential solutions and actions steps to address barriers
Objective 3
Identify a solution to one’s personal barriers to engaging in research and evaluation efforts
Content Reference 1
De Paul, N. F., & Caver, K. A. (2021). A pilot study of a brief group adaptation of the Unified Protocol in integrated primary care. Psychological Services, 18(3), 416-425.
Content Reference 2
Polaha, J., & Shepardson, R. L. (2022). Building research and evaluation into CFHA with intention. Families, Systems, & Health, 40(1), 1-9.
Content Reference 3
Preuhs, K., Velderman, M. K., & van Empelen, P. (2023). Possibilities and challenges of delivering health-related small group interventions online: Scoping review. Interactive Journal of Medical Research, 12,e43783.
Content Reference 4
Funderburk, J. S., & Shepardson, R. L. (2017). Real-world program evaluation of integrated behavioral health care: Improving scientific rigor. Families, Systems, & Health, 35, 114-124.