Full Name
Frank deGruy MD
Job Title
Distinguished Professor
University of Colorado Family Medicine
Speaker Short Bio
Frank Verloin deGruy III, MD, MSFM, is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado, previously (1999-2021) chair of that department. Undergraduate degree from Princeton University in sociology, religion; MD from the University of South Alabama in Mobile. He completed a family medicine residency at The Medical Center in Columbus, Georgia in 1980 and a Robert Wood Johnson Fellowship in Family Medicine at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio in 1982.

Past president of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association (CFHA), past president of the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG), past board of directors and executive committee of the National Network of Depression Centers (NNDC), past chair of the BoD of the Family Physicians’ Inquiries Network (FPIN), past chair of AHRQ’s National Integration Academy Council, past BoD of the Colorado Institute of Family Medicine. Previous service on the editorial boards of The Annals of Family Medicine; Families, Systems, and Health; General Hospital Psychiatry; and Psychiatric Times. Developed measures for assessing mental health in primary care, family functioning, and extent of integration of teams in primary care. Has published about 200 papers, chapters, and commentaries, and has reviewed grant applications for the NIH, AHRQ, HRSA, and the RWJF. NAM since 2008. Currently developing a brief measure of whole person health, and developing local community comprehensive health solutions that integrate heretofore siloed services
Frank deGruy