AB04 - CFHA and the AHRQ Integration Academy: Learning From Each Other’s Experiences to Jointly Advance the Field

This session brings CFHA members and the AHRQ Academy for Integrated Behavioral Health and National Integration Academy Council (NIAC) together to discover what they can do together to advance the field of integrated behavior health. The session concludes with steps toward collaborating as organizations in top areas of need identified by session participants. Historical context and purposes for the two organizations set the stage for this interactive conversation between session participants and leaders of both organizations.

Date & Time
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM
Alexander Blount Deepu George Parinda Khatri Frank deGruy
Content Level
All Audience
Session Type
Location Name
Bowie B
Objective 1
Describe what was going on in the field of integrated care that led to the formation of the AHRQ Integration Academy and its activities—context for building a collaboration.
Objective 2
Identify the major crises, pressure points, dilemmas or needs now facing CFHA members as articulated by session participants—an agenda for CFHA-AHRQ Academy collaboration.
Objective 3
Participate in the collaborative work of CFHA and the AHRQ Integration Academy & NIAC to be focused on identified action areas and shared interests.
Content Reference 1

AHRQ Academy for Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care With AHRQ Lexicon

Content Reference 2

George, D., & Khatri, P. (2024). Contemplating on the end of integrated care—part 2: Living the questions to foster adaptability. Families, Systems, & Health, 42(1), 145–150.

Content Reference 3

Peek, C.J. Don Bloch’s Vision for Collaborative Family Health Care: Progress and Next Steps. Families, Systems, & Health 2015, Vol 33, No. 2, 86-98

Content Reference 4

Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care: Your patients are waiting. SB Gold & LA Green (eds.) Springer, 2018.

Content Reference 5

HHS Roadmap for Behavioral Health Integration: HHS advances the President’s Strategy to Address our National Mental Health Crisis through integration. September 4, 2022