Full Name
C.J. Peek PhD
Job Title
Dept of Family Medicine, University of Minnesota
Speaker Short Bio
C.J. Peek, PhD is Professor in the Dept. Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Minnesota. A clinical psychologist trained at University of Colorado Boulder, he began working toward integration of behavioral health and primary care as clinician, program implementer, clinician supervisor, member of research teams, and consultant to agencies and organizations. He was a founding member of CFHA and received the Don Bloch Award in 2010.

He has focused on productive conversations across disciplines, roles, and organizational areas, harmonizing care, education and research in academic departments, organizational effectiveness and leadership development, and He gravitates toward situations where cacophony of terms can confuse and divide or clarify and unify; listening with groups to evolve the shared language needed to reduce ambiguity and confusion while enabling action with their shared work. He has published and presented on a blend of clinical, organizational, lexical, and leadership topics, including in Families, Systems, and Health.