B10 - Medical Assistants - Are We Overlooking One of the Most Promising Team-Members for Integrated Care?
Date & Time
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Location Name
Presidio B

Medical Assistants– Day in and day out they show up and care for our patients with often limited acknowledgement. They are the first face many of our patients see and can set the tone for a patient’s experience. As we continue to innovate what integrated care means, how can we better incorporate the skills and rapport of our MAs? Join us in this discussion as we share the emerging results of pilot programs that pair MAs with BHCs to further our integration efforts!

Heather Harris Allen Phillip Hawley Courtney Valentine Nathan Engle Maria Ortiz
Content Level
Primary Care Behavioral Health Model, Team-based care, Workforce development
Session Type
SIG or Committee
Slideshow link
Handout 1 Link
Handout 2 Link
Objective 1
Participants will be able to describe the expanding role of Medical Assistants on the Primary Care Team.
Objective 2
Participants will be able to identify how Medical Assistants can be an asset to innovating the Primary Care Behavioral Health Model.
Objective 3
Participants will be able to identify current barriers to transforming the role of Medical Assistants in Primary Care.
Content Reference 1

Lai, A. Y., Fleuren, B. P. I., Yuan, C. T., Sullivan, E. E., & McNeill, S. M. (2023). Delivering High-Quality Primary Care Requires Work That Is Worthwhile for Medical Assistants. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 36(1), 193–199.

Content Reference 2

Dill, J., Morgan, J. C., Chuang, E., & Mingo, C. (2021). Redesigning the Role of Medical Assistants in Primary Care: Challenges and Strategies During Implementation. Medical Care Research and Review, 78(3), 240–250.

Content Reference 3

Robinson, P. J. (2020), Basics of Behavior Change in Primary Care. Springer Press.

Content Reference 4

Brady, R. E., Hegel, M. T., Curran, G. M., Asmundson, G. J. G., Xie, H., & Bruce, M. L. (2021). Evaluation of a brief psychosocial intervention for health anxiety delivered by medical assistants in primary care: Study protocol for a pilot hybrid trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 111, 106574–106574.

Content Reference 5

Fraher, E. P., Cummings, A., & Neutze, D. (2021). The Evolving Role of Medical Assistants in Primary Care Practice: Divergent and Concordant Perspectives from MAs and Family Physicians. Medical Care Research and Review, 78(1_suppl), 7S-17S.